Accelerate Your Pax8 Marketplace Integration with Devtech

Expand your reach, win more customers, and drive growth through Pax8 Marketplace integration.

Case Studies

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    Integrate with Pax8: Fastest Growing B2B Marketplace Globally

    Global Marketplace Reach
    Global Marketplace Reach
    30,000+ resellers, 400,000+ SMBs, and 10+ million end users – and growing.
    Accelerate Go-To-Market
    Accelerate Go-To-Market
    Harness the power of Pax8 Marketplace and expedite your market reach globally through MSPs.
    Improve Retention by 5x
    Improve Retention by 5x
    Selling through MSPs extends SaaS subscription periods from 3 to 15 years, on average.
    Simplify Provisioning
    Simplify Provisioning
    Pax8 Marketplace has 98.5% automated provisioning.
    Increase Customer LTV
    Increase Customer LTV
    Maximize opportunity for upsell and cross-sell, and increase average order value.
    Free Up Core R&D Teams
    Free Up Core R&D Teams
    Focus on core product innovation, leave Pax8 Marketplace integration to us.

    Proven Pax8 Marketplace Integration Process by Devtech

    Partner with us for your Pax8 integration

    Ensuring technical readiness is crucial for the seamless integration of ISVs into the Pax8 Marketplace. This stage begins with a thorough evaluation of the current state of your product’s technical readiness for integration with Pax8. We assess the preparedness of your API, ensuring it is capable of effective communication with the Pax8 platform. Multi-tenancy support is a key focus to ensure that your product can handle multiple customers and different types of entities securely and efficiently. Proper access and credentials setup are essential to maintain security and control over who can access specific data and functionalities.

    The internal Pax8 platform setup involves configuring the necessary endpoints for integration. This includes developing the integration itself and conducting initial integration testing to identify and resolve any potential issues early on. Creating technical artifacts, such as documentation and diagrams, is also part of this phase to provide clear guidance and support throughout the integration process. By thoroughly evaluating and preparing your product’s technical capabilities, we set the foundation for a successful and smooth integration journey.

    Marketplace readiness encompasses both operational and billing alignment to ensure a smooth transition into the Pax8 ecosystem. On the operational side, this includes setting up the production environment, compiling contact lists, and creating a comprehensive process overview document. This document serves as a roadmap for all stakeholders, detailing every step and responsibility involved in the integration. Additionally, we establish production user setup and provide technical support training to equip your team with the knowledge and skills needed to manage the integration effectively.

    Billing alignment is equally important, covering aspects such as pricing strategies, available billing options, and detailed billing file information. This ensures that your services are priced competitively and invoicing processes are streamlined for efficiency. By aligning operational and billing processes, we help you navigate the complexities of marketplace integration, ensuring that your product is ready for a successful launch.

    The API integration pilot is a pivotal phase where we initiate the first launch of your integration in a controlled environment. This pilot phase includes comprehensive beta testing, allowing us to gather real-world feedback and identify any areas for improvement. During this stage, we work closely with a select group of users to test the integration under various scenarios, ensuring that it meets the required standards of functionality and performance.

    This pilot not only helps in fine-tuning the integration but also provides valuable insights into user experience and potential challenges. By addressing these issues early on, we can make necessary adjustments and enhancements before the full-scale launch. The goal of the API integration pilot is to ensure that your product is robust, reliable, and ready for the general market.

    Reaching the general availability phase is a significant milestone in the integration process. At this stage, the integration is published globally across the Pax8 marketplace, making it accessible to a wider audience. This phase involves finalizing all necessary configurations and ensuring that the integration is fully operational and ready for public use.

    To support a successful launch, we provide extensive marketing and promotional efforts to raise awareness and drive adoption. This includes creating detailed documentation, user guides, and other resources to assist new users in getting started. By making the integration available to the general public, we open the door for widespread usage and feedback, further validating the product’s value and functionality.

    Post-launch support is critical to maintaining the momentum and success of your integration. After the initial launch, we provide ongoing technical support to address any issues that may arise and to implement pricing and product updates based on customer feedback. This phase involves continuous monitoring and troubleshooting to ensure that the integration remains stable and performs optimally.

    We also focus on gathering and analyzing user feedback to identify areas for improvement and to make necessary adjustments. By providing dedicated post-launch support, we help you maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and ensure that your product continues to meet the evolving needs of the market.

    Continuous integration enhancements are essential as both Pax8 and your own APIs evolve over time. This phase involves regular updates and improvements to the integration to keep it aligned with the latest technological advancements and industry standards. By continuously enhancing the integration, we ensure that it remains competitive and capable of meeting the changing demands of the market.

    This ongoing process includes regular testing, code reviews, and performance optimizations to maintain high standards of quality and reliability. By staying proactive and responsive to changes, we help you maximize the value of your integration and ensure long-term success in the Pax8 marketplace.

    Looking to integrate with Pax8 Marketplace?

    What Our Customers Say

    Program Director, Mimecast

    “Devtech has been a great development partner for Mimecast. We’ve used their expertise to extend our capabilities and capacity in building numerous integrations with industry-leading cloud providers and look forward to delivering more world-class solutions with them.“

    Joseph Tibbetts
    Program Director, Mimecast
    SVP Cyber Platform, Acronis

    “Devtech has been instrumental in enabling Acronis to execute on our platform integration roadmap and providing more robust solutions for our customers.”

    Jan-Jaap Jager
    SVP Cyber Platform, Acronis

    “Our integration projects were of the highest priority for our teams to satisfy our global customers and partners and the project parameters were demanding and time sensitive. The Devtech team “became” a part of our team and worked so closely with our engineering teams that all projects were flawlessly executed!”

    Director Cloud Program & Platform Strategy, Zones

    “As Zones expands our Cloud Marketplace, Devtech has become a trusted technology partner enabling us to accelerate our Zones Cloud Marketplace roadmap, integrate new products and services and seamlessly migrate customers to our platform.”

    Todd Carter
    Director Cloud Program & Platform Strategy, Zones
    Director of Development, Hostway

    “Devtech has the best, most dedicated and professional group of developers, project managers and DevOps engineers I have ever had the privilege to work with, alongside my in-house team.”

    Stephen Botha
    Director of Development, Hostway
    CEO Dogado

    “Partnering with Devtech has enabled Dogado to accelerate innovation and product roadmaps, and bring new features and services to our customers faster. Devtech’s team became an extension of our internal engineering team, and we’re thrilled to see how both teams collaborate together as one.”

    Daniel Hagemeier
    CEO Dogado
    Tongible Impact, Customized Devilery

    Our Models Of Engagment

    The engagement model adequate for achieving desired outcomes will depend on your objectives, project scope and timeline.

    Team Delivery Model
    Team Delivery Model

    Leverage our expertise, ensure agile delivery and expand your in-house team continuously or on demand.

    Fixed Scope Model
    Fixed Scope Model

    Get a single, end-to-end project executed via waterfall style, with the help of our expert delivery team.

    Trusted Partner

    Technology partner for global innovative companies.

    We design and deliver scalable future-ready solutions that open up new revenue streams.

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